Saturday, April 22, 2017

Worshipping at the wrong altar, Part 2

Is this art?

Team Duff 'gets' Lou Reed, and hence, this song in a way few mortals do, or would care to. ...melancholy Dane: to be and not to be, isn't that the question?

Is this art?

So not 'bleeding edge', and it's got a vibe. Thanks for inviting us to live our daily grind life as art. How do we make a living there, a full-time job, a "real" job? 

Curious that these two videos' strategies for dealing with identity seem polar opposites, yet equally disaffected; I think Lou Reed wins in the end...wins what?

Is this art?

Another way to express identity; clown of someone else's. This head be Hafez Al-Assad, Bashar's father and the former dictator of Syria.This would go over fine in a Chelsea gallery, context optional.

A learned artist friend once told me that a great artist said, 'If you want to learn art, don't go to the museums or the galleries: go to the street'.

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