Dusty Dusky 2010 oil and acrylic on canvas 47" x 52"
where are you? me? at?
Opening The Gates 2011 acrylic on canvas 47" x 52" Beautiful. thank you, thank you. |
Pile 2007 oil and acrylic on canvas 48" x 60"
Sorry to be so subjective. Finally this, an entry into her earlier works, more of the mind than of the essence, but all most agreeable to this viewer. Severely underpopulated future (dystopian? utopian if you're a misanthrope) landscapes, deserted malls, empty spaces of greater Brasilia; very peaceful, well-wrought solitude by an excellent painter.
I won't post them here but by all means check out Radiant Halflife, Dead Malls, Brasilia, Happenings, and Demo.
Let her sue.