Saturday, March 27, 2021


Looking at Klaudia Schifferle's website, I wondered at the extravagant sculptures there, often fabric, and their nearness to hieroglyphic or some other non-anthro thing though there were clear human referents. Then I came across this:

seven gifts, beton, nagellack, 2014
seven gifts, beton, nagellack, 2014

It took me a moment to see- she was not creating art, but making an object. There is no need for art anymore. Art gets us in trouble. Objects save us. Perhaps music is god, but objects are the clear evocation of the magnificence of such oneness; they are one and none other. No referents.

We are clear: art is dead. It died last week. You read about it and did not weep. Objects were there all along if you opened your eyes, when you were ready to see; anything everything. Objects are our salvation and our redemption. Die to art and let it die to you.

heels, diverse materialien 2015
